Many of you that have been following my blog and reading my Angel Company newsletters know that when I started with The Angel Company (TAC) in 2005 I had two really BIG goals. The first was to be published in a TAC catalogue, which happened for me with my Halloween samples in the current Spring/ Summer 2008 edition. The second was to have enough in sales and people signed up under me with TAC so that I could make the level of Manager. This week, I finally made that goal as well. I am now the Manager of the Sassy Stampin' Syndicate!
Making Manager was something I could not have done without the support of others. I am thankful to everyone who has hosted a party, placed an order with me, participated in one of my in-home classes and/or signed up to be an Angel. I am thankful for people that have enjoyed what I have shared with them enough to tell their friends about my projects and the products I sell. I am thankful for the encouragement I have received from other Angels. And I am thankful for the people who have posted blogs that inspired me, and those who have read my blog and left comments that motivated me.
I think goals are very important. They give you something to work towards, and even more fun, something to celebrate when you've achieved them. Fortunately for me, I have the distinction of reaching both of my goals this year with my fellow Angel and goal buddy, Leah. We have worked together both competitively and encouragingly on what were for us the same shared goals. Leah and I were published in the current catalogue together, and Leah also made Manager this week. Our combined success also helped our friend and upline, Pat, reach her eve loftier goal of Director, making the title of my post very appropriate. It
is time to celebrate; and who better to celebrate with than friends.
In celebration of these pinnacles that have taken me three years to achieve, I am going to offer my first ever
blog candy. Please leave me a comment about one of your goals, either that you are working on or have achieved. I will choose one person randomly from all the comments posted
by Midnight Central Time on Friday, May 9th and will send them an assortment of Lengthy Notecards and Envelopes from Lasting Impressions, a pack of Heidi Swapp White Florals and some chocolate.
I look forward to hearing about the goals you are working towards or have achieved. And remember, a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. It's never too late to take your first step towards a goal. You may be amazed at how far you can go!