Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Patience Pays Off, or How I Spent My Lunch Hour

On my lunch hour yesterday, I thought I'd go for a walk downtown. The plan was to get some exercise before all the forecasted rain came. However, because I rarely go anywhere without my camera, instead of exercising, I spent most of my lunch hour crouched by some flower boxes trying to capture a picture of a Monarch butterfly that was flitting from one flower to the next. It took a bunch of time, but I think my picture was totally worth it! Here it is:

Feel free to ooooh and aaaah. Especially after you find out that I deleted a ton of pictures from my camera of the sidewalk, peoples' legs, car tires, and flowers that had absolutely no butterfly in them, or shots of a partial butterfly flying out of the frame because I wasn't quick enough on the draw.